Friday, June 7, 2013

Scroll of Thoth

Ave Babalon

Ave Babalon

archaicwonder: Sacred Stone on a Silver Stater from Kaunos in...


Sacred Stone on a Silver Stater from Kaunos in Caria, c. 410-390 BC

On the obverse is the winged figure of Isis either kneeling or running. She's holding a wreath and a kerykeion (caduceus, a staff carried by messengers of the gods). On the reverse is an obelisk-shaped baetyl (a sacred stone) with the inverted letter delta on one side and the letter gamma on the other. All is within an incuse square.

Baetylus or sacred stones could be found in many places across the ancient world. They represented the essence of a deity. They were iconic symbols of the gods, indicating that the gods were present and accessible.

One of these sacred stones was found in Kaunos in the rubble of a 3rd century temple. The stone, an obelisk, had split in two and was in the center of a circle of columns. It was limestone, over 4 meters high and 1.5 meters wide. Originally, the stone was out in the open until a temple was built around it.  The obelisk-shaped baetyl was the symbol of King Kaunos, who according to mythology, established the ancient city bearing his name.

Kaunos was a city in ancient Caria, a coastal region of southwestern Anatolia in modern day Turkey.

hauntingenchanting: Michael Parkes, Night and Day, 1992.


Michael Parkes, Night and Day, 1992.

My Babylon - Book One: Body, is coming to Kobo July 30th!

My Babylon - Book One: Body, is coming to Kobo July 30th!

Ave Babalon

Ave Babalon

If you appreciate dark and erotic stories with supernatural...

If you appreciate dark and erotic stories with supernatural themes, My Babylon is a book you will like. Especially if you're interested in ritual/chaos/Thelemic magick, but you don't need to know anything about those traditions to enjoy it. Book One is only 99 cents on Kindle right now.

If you have already read it, I would really appreciate a review on Amazon. Anyone on tumblr who writes a review will get a free copy of Book Six. Just send me a message in my ask and I'll put you on the list for when it comes out.

I'm also interested in hearing from people personally. Please feel free to tell me your thoughts on the book so far. 

If you're not reading it because of the format, is there another way I can get this book to you? Are you waiting for the complete edition? It's coming to Amazon July 23rd.

All feedback is welcome.


imlifeless: pweeetty Ave Babalon



Ave Babalon

degeneratelowlife: You must be worthy


You must be worthy

NASA Confirms -Super Human Abilities Gained

NASA Confirms -Super Human Abilities Gained:



disneybombshell: lady-manderly: Persephone by *Alicechan



Persephone by *Alicechan

jethroq: kemetically-afrolatino: China denounces America's...



China denounces America's treatment of Afro-descendants

"In conclusion, The People's Republic of China demands that America stop using their cry of human rights violations against other sovereign nations in order to declare war on them to steal their resources when America flagrantly violates the human rights of Afro-descendants and other minorities within its own country."

this article just drops stat. after stat. on the racial inequalities in the U.S. good read.

When China calls out your shit about human rights. And has the numbers to back it up. Then you know you've fucked up.

"If there's one leading principle which unifies them, it's a simple one. It's based on the assumption..."

"If there's one leading principle which unifies them, it's a simple one. It's based on the assumption that any structure of authority and domination has to justify itself- none of them are self-justifying. Whether they're in individual relations, or international affairs, or the workplace, or whatever- they have a burden of proof to bear, and if they can't bear that burden (which they usually can't), they're illegitimate and should be dismantled and replaced by alternative structures which are free and participatory and are not based on authoritarian systems."

- Noam Chomsky



Dear tumblr, now that you have all the money from Yahoo, how about you FIX YOUR SHIT.

Dear tumblr, now that you have all the money from Yahoo, how about you FIX YOUR SHIT.


theartofanimation: Lizzy John


Lizzy John

"Fan fiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths..."

"Fan fiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths are owned by corporations instead of owned by the folk."

- Henry Jenkins, in Textual Poachers: Media Fans and Participatory Culture (via jaimelannister)

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